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What is Druidry?

Druidry is the contemporary quest for inspiration and honourable relationship in a complex modern world.


While today's Druidry has it's ancestry in the priesthoods of the ancient Celtic civilisations of Europe and the antiquarian revival of the 17th and 18th Centuries, there is no unbroken lineage and very little primary historical evidence of what druidry would have looked like and meant to those peoples.


That said, Druidry in the present is a rich and vibrant modern path attracting those with an interest in the natural world and our environment; art and creativity; history and philosophy; spirituality and the esoteric. There are at least as many answers to the question "what is druidry?" as there are druids today.

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TDN: The Druid Network

"The Druid Network aims, through connecting individuals and groups together, through coordinating efforts and initiatives, and through actively interfacing with public bodies and the media, to Inform, Inspire and Facilitate Druidry as a Religion."

TDN Mission Statement


OBOD: The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids

The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD) is the world's largest druid organisation and offers distance learning 'gwersu' (lessons) for members.

Tamesis Grove is an OBOD Seedgroup however membership of OBOD is not required to attend.

The OBOD website has a wealth of information on contemporary druidry for those new to the path or seasoned practitioners.

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A selection of books on druidry:


 “The Path of Druidry” Penny Billington (Llewellyn Publications 2011)


 “Old Gods, New Druids” Robin Herne (O Books, 2009)


“The Book of Druidry” Kristoffer Hughes (Llewellyn Publications, 2023)


“The Druids: A History” Ronald Hutton (Hambledon Continuum, 2007)


“Living Druidry” Emma Restall Orr (Piatkus, 2004)


“Druidry: A Practical and Inspirational Guide” Philip Shallcrass (2nd Edition, Pretanic Press, 2023)


“The Book of Hedge Druidry” Joanna Van der Hoeven (Llewellyn Publications 2019)



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